Agro-ecological Modeling
Walking the line between people and nature

“The struggle to maintain biodiversity is going to be won or lost in agricultural ecosystems”

McIntyre et al., 1992

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.

About us

The Group of Agro-ecological Modeling investigates the effects of changes in land use and landscape structure on biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services. For this purpose, we combine a wide range of methods such as field studies, ecological and biogeographical modeling, remote sensing, applied (geo)statistics and Machine/Deep Learning. Our research aims at a better understanding and improved modeling of functional relationships in landscapes, but is also closely related to applied questions of resource management and nature conservation.

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Early career scientists gather in Bonn for a joint research project

The Agroecological Modelling (AEcoMod) lab hosted their partners in the EU Horizon 2020 project EarthBridge, together with a selected group of early-career scientists from the Universities of Bonn, Dresden, Bologna, and Prague. The goal of this gathering was to empower the selected participants with advanced collaborative research skills in a multi-institutional and multidisciplinary context. 

New publication featuring Prof. Dr. Anna Cord and Ruben Remelgado

New publication from the Horizon 2020 project EarthBridge.

Successful PhD defense

Gabriela Rodriguez-Barrera Successfully defended her PhD on The influence of Mexican prairie dogs (C. mexicanus) on plant taxonomical and functional diversity and soil properties in semiarid grasslands of Mexico.

Keynote by Dr. Stephanie Roilo

Stephanie Roilo was a keynote speaker during the latest congress of the Italian chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology (SIEP-IALE).


Agro-ecological Modelling Group


Annette Feder (team assistant)

+49 0228 / 73 60832


PhenoRob Cluster Office

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn — Niebuhrstraße 1a — 53113 Bonn — Germany

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