28. June 2024

AEcoMod: New publication Publication alert!

New publication led by Dr. Ryo Ogawa from the lab of Agro-Ecological Modeling (AEcoMod).

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In a new publication in the journal Ecological Modelling, Ryo and the AEcoMod team examined how different Agro-Environmental Schemes (AES), and non-AES -driven land-uses, influenced habitat selection patterns of farmland birds. In a study conducted in the state of Saxony, Germany, the AEcoMod team used various modelling techniques to show that farmland birds react to the presence, type, and frequency of lands with and without AES.

Ogawa, R., Engler, J. O. & Cord, A. F. Functional responses in habitat selection as a management tool to evaluate agri-environment schemes for farmland birds. Ecol. Model. 494, 110778 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2024.110778

Dr. Ryo Ogawa


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