04. July 2024

AEcoMod: Successful PhD defense Successful PhD defense

Gabriela Rodriguez-Barrera Successfully defended her PhD on The influence of Mexican prairie dogs (C. mexicanus) on plant taxonomical and functional diversity and soil properties in semiarid grasslands of Mexico.

Gabriela and her supervisors
Gabriela and her supervisors © CC BY-NC 4.0
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This project, which was supervised by the head of the Agro-Ecological Modeling lab (AEcoMod) Prof. Anna Cord, explored how Prairie Dogs shape their habitats. This provides important natural services to farmers, such as by control shrubland encroachment. The work of Gabriela sheds important light on the influence of Prairie Dogs on agriculture, which are typically seen as pests. Consequently, this research provides important information for calibrating conservation action in Mexico.

Rodriguez-Barrera, M. G., Kühn, I., Estrada-Castillón, E., & Cord, A. F. (2022). Grassland type and seasonal effects have a bigger influence on plant functional and taxonomical diversity than prairie dog disturbances in semiarid grasslands. Ecology and Evolution, 12, e9040. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.9040

Anna Cord


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