The Crop Functional Genomics division of the Institute for Crop Science and Resource Conservation is currently home to four research groups. The group of Frank Hochholdinger studies the genetic control of maize and barley root development. The Emmy Noether group of Peng Yu1 focuses on the interactions of maize roots with the rhizosphere. The project group of Caroline Marcon2 establishes a large reverse genetics repository of maize mutants and the project group of Michaela Matthes3 studies the molecular causes of boron deficiency in maize.
We teach genetics and genomics in the MSc Crop Science and BSc Agricultural Science study programs.
For our recent publications please have a look at the corresponding link below.

© Barbara Frommann/ University of Bonn

© Frank Hochholdinger

© www.colourbox.de
- https://www.rootbiology.uni-bonn.de
- https://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/cfg/en/c-f-g/research/bonnmu
- https://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/cfg/en/c-f-g/research/boron
- https://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/cfg/en/c-f-g/people
- https://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/cfg/en/c-f-g/alumni
- https://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/cfg/en/c-f-g/guests
- https://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/cfg/en/c-f-g/research
- https://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/cfg/en/c-f-g/teaching-1
- https://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/cfg/en/c-f-g/publications