Publications, not peer-reviewed



Urzinger S, Avramova V, Frey M, Urbany C, Scheuermann D, Presterl T, Reuscher S, Ernst K, Mayer M, Marcon C, Hochholdinger F, Brajkovic S, Ordás B, Westhoff P, Ouzunova M, Schoen C-C (2024) Embracing native diversity to enhance maximum quantum efficiency of photosystem II in maize ( Zea mays L.). bioRxiv 2024.08.12.604917.  Free Article 

Zhao J, Chen Y, Tao Q, Schreiber L, Suresh K, Frei M, Alam MS, Li B, Zhou Y, Baer M, Hochholdinger F, Wang W, Peng Y (2024) Enhanced CO2 driven root development coordinates the spatial recruitment of diazotrophs in rice. Authorea. July 16, 2024. Enhanced CO2 driven root development coordinates the spatial recruitment of diazotrophs in rice. Authorea

Win YN, Stöcker T, Du X, Brox A, Pitz M, Klaus A, Schoof H, Hochholdinger F, Marcon C (2024) Expanding the BonnMu sequence-indexed repository of transposon induced maize (Zea mays L.) mutations in dent and flint germplasm. bioRxiv 2024.02.24.581857.  Free Article

Li N, Li G, Wang D, Ma L, Huang X, Bai Z, Wang Y, Luo M, Luo Y, Zhu Y, Cao X, Feng Q, Xu Y, Mu J, An R, Yang C, Chen H, Li X, Dong Y, Zhao J, Jiang L, Jiang Y, Reif JC, Hochholdinger F, Chen X, Wang D, Zhang Y, Bai Y, Yu P (2024) Large-scale multi-omics analyses identified root-microbiome associations underlying plant nitrogen nutrition. bioRxiv 2024.02.05.578621.  Free Article


He X, Wang D, Jiang Y, Li M, Delgado-Baquerizo M, McLaughlin C, Marcon C, Baer M, Guo Li, Moya YAT, von Wiren N, Deichmann M, Schaaf G, Piepho H-P, Yang Z, Yang J, Yim B, Smalla K, Goormachtig S, de Vries FT, Huging H, Sawers RJH, Reif JC, Hochholdinger F, Chen X, Yu P (2023) Heritable maize microbiomes contribute to local adaptation and host stress resilience. bioRxiv 2023.01.10.523403.  Free Article


Bohle F, Klaus A, Tegethof H, Schwarzländer M, Hochholdinger F, Meyer AJ, Acosta IF, Müller-Schüssele SJ (2022) High robustness of cytosolic glutathione redox potential under combined salt and osmotic stress in barley as revealed by the biosensor Grx1-roGFP2. bioRxiv 2022.12.22.521445.  Free Article

Guo L, Klaus A, Baer M, Kirschner GK, Salvi S, Hochholdinger H (2022) ENHANCED GRAVITROPISM 2 coordinates molecular adaptations to gravistimulation in the elongation zone of barley roots. bioRxiv 2022.10.11.511704.  Free Article


Kirschner GK, Rosignoli S, Vardanega I, Guo I, Imani J, Altmüller J, Milner SG, Balzano R, Nagel KA, Pflugfelder D, Forestan C, Bovina R, Koller R, Stöcker TG, Mascher M, Simmonds J, Uauy C, Schoof H, Tuberosa R, Salvi S, Hochholdinger F (2021) ENHANCED GRAVITROPISM 2 encodes a STERILE ALPHA MOTIVE containing protein that controls root growth angle in barley and wheat. bioRxiv 2021.01.23.427880.  Free Article


Haberer G, Bauer E, Kamal N, Gundlach H, Fischer I, Seidel MA, Spannagl M, Marcon C, Ruban A, Urbany C, Nemri A, Hochholdinger F, Ouzunova M, Houben M, Schön CC, Mayer KFX (2019) European maize genomes unveil pan-genomic dynamics of repeats and genes. bioRxiv 766444. Free Article


Yu P, Wang C, Baldauf JA, Tai H, Gutjahr C, Hochholdinger F, Li C (2017) Root type and soil phosphate determine the taxonomic landscape of colonizing fungi and the transcriptome of field-grown maize roots. bioRxiv 198283.  Free Article

Unterseer S, Seidel MA, Bauer E, Haberer G, Hochholdinger F, Opitz N, Marcon C, Baruch K, Spannagl M, Mayer KFX, Schön C-C (2017) European Flint reference sequences complement the maize pan-genome. bioRxiv 103747.  Free Article

Other publications


Marcon C, Baldauf JA, Hochholdinger F (2016) Komplementation von Genexpressionsmustern in Maishybriden. Biospektrum 22: 603-605. Link


Hochholdinger F, Paschold A, Marcon C (2013) Heterosis: Maishybride exprimieren mehr Gene als ihre Eltern. Biologie in unserer Zeit 43:11-12. Link


Hochholdinger F (2007) Genetische Analyse der Wurzelentwicklung von Mais (Zea mays L.): Von Mutanten zu Genen, Transkriptomen und Proteomen. Beiträge zur Hallenser Pflanzenernährungsforschung 14: 16-20. Free pdf download


Feix G, Sauer M, Woll K, Hochholdinger F (2006) Genetic analysis of root formation in maize. In: Mutational analysis of root characters in food plants. Proceedings of a final research coordination meeting organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture and held in Antalya, Turkey, 11–15 October 2004. pp. 39-41. Free pdf download


Hoecker N, Hochholdinger F (2005) Morphological characterization of heterotic traits in early root development of maize. Maize Genet Coop Newsl 79: 44-45.  Link


Woll K, Hochholdinger F (2004) Isolation of a new root mutant rum1 affected in lateral and seminal root initiation. Maize Genet Coop Newsl 78: 59-60.  Link


Woll K, Hochholdinger F (2003) ZmGrp3 is exclusively expressed in epidermal cells of the root tip and the columella. Maize Genet Coop Newsl 77: 73. Link


Hochholdinger F, Park W-J, Feix G (1999) The newly isolated root mutant slr2 is affected in lateral root elongation. Maize Genet Coop Newsl 73: 32-33.  Link


Hochholdinger F, Feix G (1998) Tiller formation in Gaspe Flint is not affected by the rtcs locus. Maize Genet Coop Newsl 72: 30-31.  Link

Hochholdinger F, Feix G (1998) Isolation of the new necrotic root mutant brt1. Maize Genet Coop Newsl 72: 29-30.  Link

Hochholdinger F, Park W-J, and Feix G (1998) Isolation of the new root mutant slr1 affecting lateral root formation. Maize Genet Coop Newsl 72: 30.  Link


Hochholdinger F, Schnable P, Feix G (1997) Isolation of the new recessive mutant lrt1 deficient in lateral root formation. Maize Genet Coop Newsl 71: 35.  Link


Hochholdinger F, Hetz W, Feix G (1996) Juvenile-adult phase transition of vegetative traits is not affected in the root deficient mutant rtcs. Maize Genet Coop Newsl 70: 23.  Link

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