Danning Wang
© Danning Wang

Dr. Danning Wang

INRES - Crop Functional Genomics

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144
D-53113 Bonn

dwang@uni-bonn.de, +49 228 73-60333
Research website: Heterosis

Research focus

My research focus is to elucidate the genetic basis and environmental regulation of root-microbe associations in maize. I am interested in applying different integrative methods using multi-omics data to identify keystone microbes that are vital in promoting maize development and growth even in stressful conditions.

Academic CV

since 04.2024

Postdoctoral researcher at the chair of Crop Functional Genomics, Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation, Faculty of Agriculture, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm-University Bonn

06.2020 to 04.2024

PhD studies at the chair of Crop Functional Genomics, Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation, Faculty of Agriculture, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm-University Bonn

02.2020 to 06.2020

Research assistant (WHK) at the chair of Crop Functional Genomics, Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation, Faculty of Agriculture, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm-University Bonn

06.2016 to

Master study at the Department of Informatics at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg

Selected publications

Zhou Y, Sommer ML, Meyer A, Wang D, Klaus A, Stöcker T, Marcon C, Schoof H, Haberer G, Schön C-C, Yu P, Hochholdinger (2024) Epidermis-specific transcriptomic responses reveal that cold mediates root hair developmental plasticity of maize via dreb2.1. Plant Physiol kiae449: https://doi.org/10.1093/plphys/kiae449.

Wang D, He X, Baer M, Lami K, Yu B, Tassinari A, Salvi S, Schaaf S, Hochholdinger F, Yu P (2024) Enrichment of Massilia in lateral roots is associated with flowering in maize. Microbiome 12: 124. PubMed

Yu P, Li C, Li M, He X, Wang D, Li H, Marcon C, Li Y, Perez-Limón S, Chen X, Delgado-Baquerizo M, Koller R, Metzner R, van Dusschoten D, Pflugfelder D, Borisjuk L, Plutenko I, Mahon A, Resende Jr MFR, Salvio S, Akale A, Abdalla M, Ali Ahmed M, Bauer FM, Schnepf A, Lobet G, Heymans A, Suresh K, Schreiber L, McLaughlin CM, Li C, Mayer M, Schön C-C, Bernau V, von Wirén N, Sawers RJH, Wang T, Hochholdinger F (2024) Seedling root system adaptation to water availability during maize domestication and global expansion. Nature Genet 56: 1245-1256. PubMed

He X, Wang D, Jiang Y, Li M, Delgado-Baquerizo M, McLaughlin C, Marcon C, Guo L, Baer M, Moya YAT, von Wirén N, Deichmann M, Schaaf G, Piepho H-P, Yang Z, Yang J, Yim B, Smalla K, Goormachtig S, de Vries FT, Hüging H, Baer M, Sawers RJH*, Reif JC*, Hochholdinger F*, Chen X*, Yu P* (2024) Heritable microbiome variation is correlated with source environment in locally adapted maize varieties. Nature Plants 10: 598–617. PubMed

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