Crop Functional Genomics
The division of Crop Functional Genomics is part of the Institute of Plant Sciences and Resource Conservation (INRES).
Our research focus is the genetic and genomic dissection of maize and barley root development. To this end, we clone and characterize genes controlling root architecture and we investigate the molecular mechanisms of heterosis manifestation. Moreover, we are interested in how root systems react to abiotic stress such as drought or cold and how they interact with the rhizosphere.
SPP meeting in Leipzig
Xiaoming He presented his work at the final meeting of the SPP2089 „Rhizosphere spatiotemporal organization - a key to rhizosphere function“.
DMK and DBG awards for Cay Schäfer
Cay Schäfer was awarded the DMK (Deutsches Maiskomitee) Prize for Young Scientists 2024 for her master's thesis “Crosstalk between the micronutrient boron and the phytohormone auxin on the level of polar auxin transport during primary root development of maize (Zea mays)”. In addition, her master thesis was selected as best master thesis in Plant Sciences at the University of Bonn by the DBG (Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft).
Congratulations to Emmy Noether group leader Peng Yu for his appointment as professor at TU Munich
Peng Yu was today appointed professor for Plant Genetics at the TU Munich School of Life Sciences. We are very proud of you!
Faculty prize for Danning Wang
Congratulations to Danning for receiving the faculty prize for the best thesis in plant science.
Prof. Dr. Frank Hochholdinger
Room III.47
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144
D-53113 Bonn
Christine Jessen and Ellen Kreitz
Room III.45
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144
D-53113 Bonn