06. September 2024

DGP conference in Bonn DGP conference in Bonn

From Sep 2nd to Sep 4th the annual conference of the German Society for Plant Nutrition (DGP) was held in the beautiful Poppelsdorf Castle. The conference was locally hosted and organized by the INRES -Plant Nutrition.

The DGP conference took place at Poppelsdorf Palace in Bonn in 2024.
The DGP conference took place at Poppelsdorf Palace in Bonn in 2024. © Britta Albinus
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In this three-day meeting, a broad range of plant nutrition-related topics was shared and discussed spanning from ecological to molecular aspects. The broad range of topics attracted not only established scientists but also students and early career scientists alike allowing a highly energetic scientific exchange and constructive networking. Time to enjoy and tour the picturesque scenery of the botanic garden topped it all off.

A big “thank you” to all of our speakers, presenters, helpers, sponsors, and participants from near and far for contributing to the big success of our conference.

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