The benchmark is the frequency with which their scientific publications were cited by other researchers in the past decade (period from 2012t o 2022). The ranking is published annually by the "Web of Science Group" and includes around 7,100 scientists from 67 different countries.
The most cited researchers at the University of Bonn are:
Andrea Ablasser, Immunology
Thomas Bieber, Cross-Field
Frank Ewert, Agricultural Science, INRES - Crop Science
Stefan Grimme, Chemistry
Norbert Langer, Astronomy
Doreen Muth, Cross-Field
Matin Qaim, Cross-Field
Andreas Schlitzer, Cross-Field
Jonathan L. Schmid-Burgk, Cross-Field
Furthermore, the most cited researchers include two more scientists who are primarily affiliated with other institutions but academically linked to the University of Bonn:
Frank Neese, Chemistry, Max Planck Society
Joachim L. Schultze, Cross-Field, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)
Further information:
Press release of the University of Bonn: | 16.11.2023