Peer-Review articles
Where at least one co-author comes from the research group for "Renewable Resources" published in Journals with an impact factor > 1.0 or book chapters. Articles in alphabetical order of the first author, members of the research group are marked in bold

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- Chakhashvili, E., Siegmann, B., Muller, O., Verrelst, J., Bendig, J., Kraska, T., Rascher, U. (2022). Retrieval of Crop Variables from Proximal Multispectral UAV Image Data Using PROSAIL in Maize Canopy. Remote Sensing, 14(5), 1247.
- He, F., Thiele, B., Kraska, T., Schurr, U., Kuhn, A.J. (2022). Effects of Root Temperature and Cluster Position on Fruit Quality of Two Cocktail Tomato Cultivars. Agronomy, 12(6), 1275.
- Moll, L., Höller, M., Hubert, C., Korte, C.A.C., Völkering, G., Wever, C., Pude, R. (2022). Cup Plant (Silphium perfoliatum L.) Biomass as Substitute for Expanded Polystyrene in Bonded Leveling Compounds. Agronomy, 12(1), 178,
- Moll, M.D., Kahlert, L., Gross, E., Schwarze, E.‐C., Blings, M., Hillebrand, S., Ley, J., Kraska, T., Pude, R. (2022). VIS‐NIR Modeling of Hydrangenol and Phyllodulcin Contents in Tea‐Hortensia (Hydrangea macrophylla subsp. serrata). Horticulturae, 8, 264.
- Moll, M.D., Tränkner, C., Blings, M., Schwarze, E.-C., Gross, E., Hillebrand, S., Ley, J., Kraska, T., Pude, R. (2022). Proposing a chemometric Normalized Difference Phyllodulcin Index (cNDPI) for phyllodulcin synthesis estimation. JARMAP, Vol. 30.
- Nguyen, V.T.H., Kraska, T., Winkler, W., Aydinlik, S., Jackson, B.E., Pude, R. (2022). Primary Mechanical Modification to Improve Performance of Miscanthus as Stand-Alone Growing Substrates. Agronomy, 12, 420.
- Bergs, M., Monakhowa, Y., Diehl, B.W. Konow, C., Völkering, G., Pude, R., Schulze, M. (2021). Lignins Isolated via Catalyst-Free Organosolv Pulping from Miscanthus x giganteus, M. sinensis, M. robustus and M. nagara: A Comparative Study. Molecules, 26, 842.
- Breiing, V., Hillmer, J., Schmidt, C., Petry, M., Behrends, B., Steiner, U., Kraska, T., Pude, R. (2021). Fungicidal Efficacy of Drying Plant Oils in Green Beans Against Bean Rust (Uromyces appendiculatus). Plants, 10(1), 143.
- He, F., Thiele, B., Kraus, D., Bouteyine, S., Watt, M., Kraska, T., Schurr, U., Kuhn, A. J. (2021). Effects of Short-Term Root Cooling before Harvest on Yield and Food Quality of Chinese Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra Bailey). Agronomy, 11(3), 577.
- Höller, M., Lunze, A., Wever, C., Deutschle, A.L., Stücker, A., Frase, N., Pestsova, E., Spiess, A.C., Westhoff, P., Pude, R. (2021). Meadow hay, Sida hermaphrodita (L.) Rusby and Silphium perfoliatum L. as potential non-wood raw materials for the pulp and paper industry. Ind. Crops Prod., 167, 113548.
- Korte, I., Kreyenschmidt, J., Wensing, J., Bröring, S., Frase, J.N., Pude, R., Konow, C., Havelt, T., Rumpf, J., Schmitz, M., Schulze, M. (2021). Can Sustainable Packaging Help to Reduce Food Waste? A Status Quo Focusing Plant-Derived Polymers and Additives. Appl. Sci., 11(11), 5307.
- Krämer, J., Siegmann, B., Kraska, T., Muller, O., Rascher, U. (2021). The potential of spatial aggregation to extract remotely sensed sun-induced fluorescence (SIF) of small-sized experimental plots for applications in crop phenotyping. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 104, 102565.
- Moll, M., Vieregge, A.S., Wiesbaum, C.Blings, M., Vana, F., Hillebrand, S., Ley, J., Kraska, T., Pude, R. (2021). Dihydroisocoumarin Content and Phenotyping of Hydrangea macrophylla subsp. serrata Cultivars under Different Shading Regimes. Agronomy, 11(9), 1743.
- Nguyen, V.T.H., Elfers, J., Kühn, H., Kraska, T., Pude, R. (2021). Different Miscanthus genotypes as growing media in soilless tomato cultivation and its subsequent use for combustion. Acta Hortic., 1305, 301-308.
- Luhmer, K., Schulze-Kaysers, Feuereisen, M., Wirth, L., Maretzky, F., Wüst, M., Blum, H., Dörr, E., Pude, R. (2021). Fatty Acid Composition, Tocopherols, Volatile Compounds, and Sensory Evaluation of Low Morphine Yielding Varieties of Poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) Seeds and Oils. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2021, 69(11), 3439-3451.
- Luhmer, K., Blum, H., Kraska, T., Döring, T., Pude, R. (2021). Poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) Intercropping with Spring Barley and with White Clover: Benefits and Competitive Effects. Agronomy, 11(5), 948;
- Schulte, M., Lewandowski, I., Pude, R., Wagner, M. (2021). Comparative life cycle assessment of bio-based insulation materials: Environmental and economic performances. GCB Bioenergy, 00:1-20.
- Siegmann, B., Cendrero-Mateo, M.P., Cogliati, S., Damm, A., Gamon, J., Herrera, D., Jedmowski, C., Junker-Frohn, L.V., Kraska, T., Muller, O., Rademske, P., van der Tol, C., Quiros-Vargas, J. Yang, P., Rascher, U. (2021). Downscaling of far-red solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence of different crops from canopy to leaf level using a diurnal data set acquired by the airborne imaging spectrometer HyPlant. Remote Sensing of Environment, 262, 112609.
- Stotter, M., Wichern, F., Pude, R., Hamer, M. (2021). Utilisation of Miscanthus x giganteus L. Based C-Rich Fertilisers for N Immobilisation and Microbial Biomass Build-Up in a Crop Rotation. Agronomy, 11(12), 2390;
- Stotter, M., Wichern, F., Pude, R., Hamer, M. (2021). Nitrogen immobilisation and microbial biomass build-up induced by Miscanthus based fertilisers. Agronomy, 11(7), 1386.
- Wilke, N., Siegmann, B., Postma, J.A., Muller, O. Krieger, V., Pude, R., Rascher, U. (2021). Assessment of plant density for barley and wheat using UAV multispectral imagery for high-throughput field phenotyping. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 189, 106380.
- Bergs, M., Do, X.T., Rumpf, J., Kusch, P., Monakhova, Y., Konow, C., Völkering, G., Pude, R., Schulze, M. (2020). Comparing chemical composition and lignin structure of Miscanthus x giganteus and Miscanthus nagara harvested in autumn and spring and separated into stems and leaves. RSC Adv., 10, 10740-10751.
- Havelt, T., Frase, N., Pude, R., Schmitz, M. (2020): Characterisation of bioactive ingredients in extracts of fresh and dried coniferous trees for the development of sustainable packaging materials. Processes 2020, 8(11), 1366;
- He, F., Thiele, B., Santhiraraja-Abresch, S., Watt, M., Kraska, T., Ulbrich, A., Kuhn, A.J. (2020). Effects of Root Temperature on the Plant Growth and Food Quality of Chinese Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra Bailey) . Agronomy, 10, 702.
- Heinemann, S., Siegmann, B., Thonfeld, T., Muro, J., Jedmowski, C., Kemna, A., Kraska, T., Muller, O., Schultz, J., Udelhoven, T., Wilke, N., Rascher, U. (2020). Land Surface Temperature Retrieval for Agricultural Areas Using a Novel UAV Platform Equipped with a Thermal Infrared and Multispectral Sensor. Remote Sens., 12, 1075.
- Moll, L., Wever, C., Völkering, G., Pude, R. (2020). Increase of Miscanthus Cultivation with New Roles in Materials Production - A Review. Agronomy, 10(2), 308.
- Nguyen, V.T.H., Elfers, J., Kühn, H., Kraska, T., Pude, R. (2020). Different Miscanthus genotypes as growing media in soilless tomato cultivation and its subsequent use for combustion. “Proceedings of the III International Symposium on Growing Media, Composting, and Substrate Analysis” (Milan, June 24-28, 2019,, Acta Horticulturae, in press (accepted manuscript is available here as preprint)
- Quirós Vargas, J., Bendig, J., Mac Arthur, A., Burkart, A., Julitta, T., Maseyk, K., Thomas, R., Siegmann, B., Rossini, M., Celesti, M., Schüttemeyer, D., Kraska, T., Muller, O., Rascher, R. (2020). Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)-Based Methods for Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) Retrieval with Non-Imaging Spectrometers: State of the Art. Remote Sens., 12(10), 1624; Online:
- Wever, C., Van Tassel, D.L., Pude, R. (2020).Third-Generation Biomass Crops in the New Era of De Novo Domestication. Agronomy, 10(9), 1322;
- Alzagameem, A., Bergs, M., Do, X.T., Klein, S.E., Rumpf, J., Larkins, M., Monakhova, Y., Pude, R., Schulze, M. (2019). Low-Input Crops as Lignocellulosic Feedstock for Second-Generation Biorefineries and the Potential of Chemometrics in Biomass Quality Control. Appl. Sci., 9(11), 2252.
- Bergs, M., Völkering, G., Kraska, T., Pude, R., Do, X.T., Kusch, P., Monakhova, Y., Konow, C., Schulze, M. (2019). Miscanthus x giganteus Stem Versus Leaf-Derived Lgnins Differing in Monolignol Ratio and Linkage. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 20, 1200.
- He, F., Thiele, B., Watt, M., Kraska, T., Ulbrich, A., Kuhn, A.J. (2019). Effects of Root Cooling on Plant Growth and Fruit Quality of Cocktail Tomato during two consecutive seasons. J. Food Qual., Artcile ID 3598172, 15 pages (online first)
- Keller, B., Matsubara, S., Rascher, U., Pieruschka, R., Steier, A., Kraska, T., Muller, O. (2019). Genotype Specific Photosynthesis x Environment Interactions Captured by Automated Fluorescence Canopy Scans Over Two Fluctuating Growing Seasons. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, Article 1482, Nov 2019.
- Siegmann, B., Alonso, L., Celesti, M., Cogliati, S.,Colombo, R., Damm, A., Douglas, S., Guanter, L., Hanus, J., Kataja, K. Kraska, T., Matveeva, M., Moreno, J., Muller, O., Pikl, M., Pinto, F., Quiros Vargas, J., Rademske, P., Rodriguez-Morene, F., Sabater, N., Schickling, A., Schüttemeyer, D., Zemek, F., Rascher, U. (2919). The High-Performance Airborne Imahing Spectrometer HyPlant - From Raw Images to Top-of-Canopy Reflectance and Fluorescence Products: Introduction of an Automatized Processing Chain. Remote Sensing, 11(23), 2760,
- Wever, C., Höller, M., Becker, L., Biertümpfel, A., Köhler, J., van Inghelandt, D., Westhoff, P., Pude, R., Pestova, E. (2019). Towards high-biomass yielding bioenergy crop Silphium perfoliatum L.: phenotypic and genotypic evaluation of five cultivated populations. Biomass Bioenerg, 124, 102-113.
- Wilke, N., Siegmann, B., Klingbeil, L., Burkart, A., Kraska, T., Muller, O., van Doorn, A., Heinemann, S., Rascher, U. (2019). Quantifying Lodging Percentage and Lodging Severity Using a UAV-Based Canopy Height Model Combined with an Objective Threshold Approach. Remote Sens., 11, 515.
- Yang, P., van der Tol, C., Verhoef, W., Damm, A., Schickling, A., Kraska, T., Muller, O., Rascher, U. (online 2018). Using reflectance to explain vegetation biochemical and structural effectson sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence. Remote Sensing of Environment. In press. Online available: 6 December 2018.
- Burkart, A., Hecht, V.L., Kraska, T., Rascher, U. (2018). Phenological analysis of unmanned aerial vehicle based time series of barley imagery with high temporal resolution. Precision Agric., 19(1), 134-146.
- Hecht, V.L., Temperton, V.M., Nagel, K.A., Rascher, U., Pude, R., Potsma, J.A. (2018). Plant density modifies root system architecture in spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) through a change in nodal root number. Plant Soil. Online first: 22 August 2018.
- Kraska, T., Kleinschmidt, B., Weinand, J., Pude, R. (2018). Cascading use of Miscanthus as growing substrate in soilless cultivation of vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers) and subsequent direct combustion. Sci. Hort., 235, 205-213,
- Thomas, S., Behmann, J., Steier, A., Kraska, T., Muller, O., Rascher, U., Mahlein, A.-K. (2018). Quantitative assessment of diseases severity and rating of barley cultivars based on hyperspectral imaging in a non-invasive, automated phenotyping platform. Plant Methods, 14(45), published online June 2018.
- Ashrafuzzaman, Md., Lubna, F.A., Holtkamp, F., Manning, W.J., Kraska, T., Frei, M. (2017). Diagnosing ozone stress and differential tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) with ethylenediurea (EDU). Environmental Pollution, 230, 339-350.
- Emmerling, C., Pude, R., 2017: Introducing Miscanthus to the greening measures of the EU Common Agricultural Policy. GCB Bioenergy, 9(2), 274-279.
- Winzer, F. Kraska, T., Eisenberger, C., Kötter, T., Pude, R. (2017). Biomass from fruit trees for combined energy and food production. Biomass Bioenerg, 107, 279-286.
- von Glisczynski, F., Sandhage-Hofmann, A., Amelung, W., Pude, R., 2016: Biochar-compost substrates do not promote growth and fruit quality of a replanted German apple orchard with fertile Haplic Luvisol soils. Sci. Hort., 213, 110-114.
- Rodionov, A., Paetzold, S., Welp, G., Pude, R., Amelung, W., 2016: Proximal field Vis-NIR spectroscopy of soil organic carbon: A solution to clear obstacles related to vegetation and straw cover. Soil & Tillage Research, 163, 89-98.
- von Glisczynski, F., Pude, R., Amelung, W., Sandhage-Hofmann, A., 2016: Biochar-compost substrates in short-rotation coppice: Effects on soil and trees in a three-year field experiment. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 179(4), 574-583.
2015 and older
- RASCHER, U., ALONSO, L., BURKART, A., CILIA, C., COGLIATI, S., COLOMBO, R., DAMM, A., DRUSCH, M., GUANTER, L., HANUS, J., HYVÄRINEN, T., JULITTA, T., JUSSILA, J., KATAJA, K., KOKKALIS, P., KRAFT, S., KRASKA, T., MATVEEVA, M., MORENO, J., MULLER, O., PANIGADA, C., PIKL, M., PINTO, F., PREY, L., PUDE, R., ROSSINI, M., SCHICKLING, A., SCHURR, U., SCHÜTTEMEYER, D., VERRELST, J. und F. ZEMEK, 2015: Sun-induced fluorescence - a new probe of photosynthesis: First maps from the imaging spectrometer HyPlant: Global Change Biology, 21(12), 4673-4684, 201.
- Ueda, Y., Frimpong, F., Qi, Y., Matthus, E., Wu, L., Höller, S., Kraska, T., Frei, M. (2015). Genetic dissection of ozone tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) by a genome-wide association study. J. Exp. Bot., 66(1), 293-306.
- PERKONS, U., KAUTZ, T., UTEAU, D., PETH, St., GEIER, V., THOMAS, K., LÜTKE HOLZ, K., ATHMANN, M., PUDE, R. und U.KÖPKE, 2014: Root-length densities of various annual crops following crops with contrasting root systems. Soil and Tillage Research 137, 50-57.
- KAUTZ, T., LÜSEBRINK, M., PÄTZOLD, S., VETTERLEIN, D., PUDE, R., ATHMANN, M., KÜPPER, P. M., PERKONS, U. und U. KÖPKE, 2014: Contribution of anecic earthworms to biopore formation during cultivation of perennial ley crops. Pedobiologia 57 - Journal of Soil Ecology, 47–52.
- ATHMANN, M., KAUTZ, T., PUDE, R. und U. KÖPKE, 2013: Root growth in biopores – evaluation with in situ endoscopy. Plant Soil; Online-Veröffentlichung (DOI) 10.1007/s11104-013-1673-5
- KAUTZ, T., Perkons, U., ATHMANN, M., PUDE, R. und U. KÖPKE, 2013: Barley roots are not constrained to large-sized biopores in the subsoil of a deep Haplic Luvisol. Biology and fertility of soils, Vol. 49, 959-963.
- LI, F., KAUTZ, T., PUDE, R. und U. KÖPKE, 2012: Nodulation of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) rots: depth distribution and temporal variation. Plant Soil Environ., 58 (9), 424-428, 2012.
- TRESELER, C.-H., PUDE, R., FRANKEN, H. und G. NOGA, 2006: Anbauwürdigkeit und Rohstoffqualität von ausgewählten Switchgrass-Sorten (Panicum virgatum L.) für Baustoffanwendungen. Pflanzenbauwiss. Bd. 10, 2/2006, 75-81.
- In der BEECK, Ch., PUDE, R. und M.M. BLANKE, 2006: Organischer Mulch erhält die Bodenfeuchte, fördert die biologische Aktivität sowie vegetatives und generatives Wachstum von jungen Apfelbäumen. Erwerbsobstbau 48 (2), 2-15.
- PUDE, R., TRESELER, C.-H., TRETTIN, R. und G. NOGA, 2005: Suitability of Miscanthus Genotypes for lightweight concrete. Die Bodenkultur 56 (1), 61-69.
- KALEMBASA, D. JEZOWSKI, S., PUDE, R., and E. MALINOWSKA, 2005: The content of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen in different development stage of some clones of Miscanthus. Polish Journal of Soil Science vol. 38/2, 169-177.
- PUDE, R., BANASZUK, P., TRETTIN, R. and G. NOGA, 2005: Suitability of Phragmites for lightweight concrete. Journal of Applied Botany 79, 141-146.
- PUDE, R., M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER and G. NOGA, 2005: Development, yield and selected contents of Stevia rebaudiana. Z. Arzn.Gew.Pfl. 10 Jg., Ausg. 1: 37-43.
- PUDE, R., TRESELER, C.-H. und G. NOGA, 2004: Morphological, Chemical and Technical Parameters of Miscanthus Genotypes. Journal of Applied Botany 78, 58-63.
- PUDE, R. 2003: Neue sichere Anbaumethoden von Miscanthus in Europa. In: Berichte über Landwirtschaft, Bd. 81 (3) ISSN 0005-9080, Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster-Hiltrup, 405-415.
- PUDE, R. und JEZOWSKI, St., 2002: Ocena wpływu niektórych cech morfogenetycznych na wzrost i rozwój miskanta (Miscanthus spp.); Effect of selected morphogenetic traits on the growth and development of Miscanthus spp.. Biuletyn instytutu Hodowli I Aklimatyzacji Roslin, Nr. 226/227/2; 573-583.
- PUDE, R. und FRANKEN, H., 2001: Reynoutria bohemica – Eine Alternative zu Miscanthus x giganteus. - Die Bodenkultur, 52 (1), 19-27.
- PUDE, R., FRANKEN, H., DIEPENBROCK, W. und GREEF, J.M., 1997: Ursachen der Auswinterung von einjährigen Miscanthus-Beständen. – Pflanzenbauwiss. 4/97, 171-176.