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© Volker Lannert

Dr. Marcel Moll

Scientific Staff


+49 225 / 99963-53



Klein-Altendorf 2

53359 Rheinbach


Renewable Resources are a basic element of bioeconomy. They can also be a sustainable alternative to fossil energy and contribute to several ecosystem services. Somehow, research on biobased products often starts at the processing point but there is huge potential for agricultural research at the point of plant cultivation. That is why I focus on cultivation, management and optimisation of the plants at it is in line with the motto "from plants to products". In doing this, conventional agricultural practices are combined with modern techniques such as phenotyping or hyperspectral analysis of the plants. As a result, a fundamental understanding of the plants and their cultivation in regard to the desired products is gained.

Research interests:

Sustainable agriculture

Material use of biomass plants

Hyperspectral analysis

Innovative cultivation systems

Science communication

Research Projects

  • QuAAP: Quality Assessment of Aromatic Plants by Hyperspectral and Mass spectrometric Methods (2022-2024)
  • ZertiFix: Eignung mehrjähriger, schnellwachsender Pflanzen zur Kohlenstoffanreicherung in Boden, Pflanze und Produkten im Hinblick auf die Entwicklung von CO2-Zertifizierungsmodellen (2022-2025)
  • SweetTea: Aufbau einer nachhaltigen Wertschöpfungskette für den natürlichen Geschmacksmodulierer Phyllodulcin auf Basis der Kultivierung, Prozessierung und Weiterentwicklung von Teehortensien (Hydrangea macrophylla) (2019 - 2021)


  • Moll, M.D., Tränkner, C., Blings, M., Schwarze, E.-C., Gross, E., Hillebrand, S., Ley, J., Kraska, T., Pude, R. (2022). Proposing a chemometric Normalized Difference Phyllodulcin Index (cNDPI) for phyllodulcin synthesis estimation. JARMAP,  Vol. 30. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jarmap.2022.1003989
  • Moll, M.D., Kahlert, L., Gross, E., Schwarze, E.‐C., Blings, M., Hillebrand, S., Ley, J., Kraska, T., Pude, R. (2022). VIS‐NIR Modeling of Hydrangenol and Phyllodulcin Contents in Tea‐Hortensia (Hydrangea macrophylla subsp. serrata). Horticulturae, 8, 264.https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae8030264
  • Moll, M.D.; Vieregge, A.S.; Wiesbaum, C.; Blings, M.; Vana, F.; Hillebrand, S.; Ley, J.; Kraska, T.; Pude, R. (2021). Dihydroisocoumarin Content and Phenotyping of Hydrangea macrophylla subsp. serrata Cultivars under Different Shading Regimes. Agronomy, 11, 1743. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11091743
  • Moll, M.D.; Kahlert, L.; Blings, M.; Schwarze, E.-C.; Hillebrand, S.; Ley, J.; Kraska, T.; Pude, R. (2021). Einfluss verschiedener Nachernteverfahren auf wertgebende Inhaltsstoffe von Teehortesien (Hydrangea macrophylla subsp. serrata). In: Stützel, H., Fricke, A. (Eds.) Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenwissenschaften, Band 32. CLOSING THE CYCLE - Pflanze und Tier im Agrarsystem, pp. 233–234
  • Moll, M.D.; Vieregge, A.S.; Blings, M.; Wiessbaum, C.; Hinke, A.; Hillebrand, S.; Ley, J.; Kraska, T.; Pude, P. (2021). Phenotyping of tea-hortensia cultivars under different light conditions. Vortrag; Symposium of Horticulture in Europe (SHE)
  • Lang, N.; Moll, M.D.; Tiede-Arlt, P.; Nobis, C.; Wergen, P. (2021). Einsatz von arbuskulärer Mykorrhiza in Hortensienkultur zur Erhöhung der Stresstoleranz. Versuche im deutschen Gartenbau 2021 – Zierpflanzen

Topics for Bachelor and Master Theses

  • Perennial biomass plants (Miscanthus, Sida, Silpie, Paulownia)
  • Sustainable agriculture (Paludiculture, plants and CO2-storage)
  • Dye plants
  • Own suggestions are also welcome!
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