© Matthias Bernschein
Matthias Bernschein
My research project Zertifix is about quantification of carbon storage in plants, soil and biobased products. The aim is to gain insight into the potential of storing carbon in perennial, fast-growing biomass plants. The plants that are in focus of the study are Miscanthus spp., Silphium spp., Sida spp. and Paulownia spp., fruit trees like Malus spp. and perennial vegetables like Asparagus spp. A fast and lasting fixation of carbon is necessary to contribute to sustainability in context of climate change. Key figures that are determined in this projects should build a foundation for the development of CO2-Certificates.
Reseach Projects
- ZertiFix: Eignung mehrjähriger, schnellwachsender Pflanzen zur Kohlenstoffspeicherung in Boden, Pflanze und Produkten im Hinblick auf die Entwicklung von CO2-Zertifizierungsmodellen
- Optimech: Mechanische Unkrautregulierung im Anbau von Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen