How to get to INRES - Plant Nutrition

By foot
From train station (main entrance) walk south until the end of the Bus station. Then right through the tunnel. Follow the Poppelsdorfer Allee until the Poppelsdorfer castle. In front of the castel turn right to the Meckenheimer Allee and then left to the Karlrobert-Kreiten-Straße (duration ca. 15 min).
By car
All Directions (exept south-west):
Form Frankfurt A3 to Autobahnkreuz Bonn/Siegburg, on A560 to Autobahndreieck St. Augustin, on A59 to Autobahndreieck Bonn-Beuel, on A565 (via Nordbrücke) direction Bonn. Take the exit Bonn-Poppelsdorf. Drive right after the first trafic light (into the Jagdweg), drive right at the next trafic light (into the Sternenburgstraße). Drive straight on into the Sebastianstraße. Then drive right into the next street the Carl-Troll-Straße. The secound street on the right-hand side is the Karlrobert-Kreiten-Straße.
From South-West:
From Koblenz A61 to Autobahnkreuz Meckenheim, on A565 to Bonn. Take the exit Bonn-Poppelsdorf and go on as above-mentioned.
By bus
From Bonn main station take tram 601 (direction Venusberg-Nervenklinik), 602 (direction Waldau) and 603 (direction Röttgen Schleife) to the stop "Am Botanischen Garten", then turn right into Karlrobert-Kreiten-Straße after approx. 15 m in the direction of travel.