DGP conference in Bonn1
rom Sep 2nd to Sep 4th the annual conference of the German Society for Plant Nutrition (DGP) was held in the beautiful Poppelsdorf Castle. The conference was locally hosted and organized by the INRES -Plant Nutrition.
Phosphorus Absorption Improved and Zinc Content Increased2
A new variety of rice that is adapted to life in low-phosphorus soils, that contains an exceptionally large amount of zinc and that was developed specifically for the conditions in Madagascar where it is grown, has recently been certified in the country. The variety was created under the leadership of plant scientist Professor Matthias Wissuwa from the Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) and the PhenoRob Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bonn which he joined as a visiting professor in spring 2023, together with the Africa Rice Center and the National Centre of Applied Research for Rural Development in Madagascar (FOFIFA).
INRES - Day3
The 5th INRES - Minisymposium (INRES Day) will take place on August 24 on the Campus Poppelsdorf in the lecture hall center "CP1-HSZ", Endenicher Allee 19C, 53115 Bonn, Germany.
PhD students at the International Grassland Congress in Covington4
During the 25th International Grassland Congress in Covington, Kentucky, our two PhD students Florian Männer and Lisa-Maricia Schwarz presented some of the results of their studies.
Additive to make slurry more climate-friendly5
Livestock farming produces large quantities of greenhouse gases, especially methane, which is particularly harmful to the climate. Among other things, it escapes during the storage of animal excrement, the slurry. A study by the University of Bonn now shows that methane emissions can be reduced by 99 percent through simple and inexpensive means. The method could make an important contribution to the fight against climate change. The results have now been published in the journal Waste Management.
Faculty prize from the Theodor Brinkmann Stiftung awarded to the Best Master Thesis Concept6
Corinna Sauer from INRES - Plant Nutrition receives the award for her outstanding master thesis concept, which has a clear application potential and practical relevance.
© NamTip
European Grassland Federation Symposium 20227
NamTip remote sensing PhD students Vistorina Amputu and Florian Männer give a presentation at the European Grassland Federation 2022 symposium.
Distinction for Outstanding Next-Generation Researchers8
The state awards were presented as part of the ceremonial events surrounding the start of the academic year at the University of Bonn. The purses connected with these awards, going to outstanding young researchers, are endowed by the respective presenting national governments. These awards are traditionally presented simultaneous with the awarding of the DAAD Prize by the German Academic Exchange Service.
- https://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/pe/en/about-us/news/dgp-2024
- https://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/pe/en/about-us/news/verbesserte-phosphor-aufnahme-erhoehter-zink-gehalt
- https://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/pe/en/about-us/news/inres-day
- https://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/pe/en/about-us/news/phd-students-at-the-international-grassland-congress-in-covington
- https://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/pe/en/about-us/news/additive-to-make-slurry-more-climate-friendly
- https://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/pe/en/about-us/news/faculty-prize-from-the-theodor-brinkmann-stiftung-awarded-to-the-best-master-thesis-concept
- https://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/pe/en/about-us/news/european-grassland-federation-symposium-2022
- https://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/pe/en/about-us/news/distinction-for-outstanding-next-generation-researchers
- https://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/pe/en/about-us/news?b_start:int=8