Peer-reviewed publications


Islam M.A., Pariyar,S., Krupnik T.J., Becker M. (2024) Changing trends in crop management practices and performance attributes of rice-based systems of coastal Bangladesh. Frontiers in Agronomy, 6:1397474.

Becker M., Clavero R., Khin O. M., Kong S., Maung Z. N., Men P., Pariyar S., Regalado M.J.C., Ro S., Win K.K. (2024) System shift in rice: Processes and pathways of change in rice-based production systems of Southeast Asia. Agricultural Systems, 217, 103917.

Johnson J.-M., Becker M., Dossou-Yovo E.R., Saito K. (2024) Improving rice yield and water productivity in dry climatic zones of West Africa: Season-specific strategies. Field Crops Res 316:109519.

Johnson J.-M., Becker M., Kaboré J.E.P., et al. (2024) Alternate wetting and drying: a water-saving technology for sustainable rice production in Burkina Faso? Nutr Cycl Agroecosystems 129:93–111.

Kamiri, H., Choge, S., Becker, M. (2024) Management Strategies of Prosopis juliflora in eastern Africa. What works where? - A Systematic Review. Diversity 16, 72.

Maina, A.W., Becker, M., Oerke, E-C. (2024) Assessing interactions between nitrogen supply and leaf blast in rice by hyperspectral imaging. Remote Sensing 16, 939.


Abdalla A., Stellmacher T., Becker M. (2023) Wheat farmers’ perception of constraints and their adaptive capacity to changing demands in Egypt. Agriculture 13, 1554.

Becker, M., Clavero, R., Maung, Z.N., Khin, O.M., Kong, S., Men, P., Pariyar, S., Regalado, M.J.C., Ro, S., Win, K.K. (2023) System shift in rice: processes and pathways of change in rice-based production systems of Southeast Asia. Agricultural Systems 217, 103917.

Becker M., Clavero R., Maung Z.N., Khin O.M., Kong S., Men P., Regalado M.J.C., Ro S., Win K.K., Pariyar S. (2023) Pathways and determinants of changing nutrient management in lowland rice-based systems of Southeast Asia. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43(6), 79.

Johnson J. M., Becker M., Dossou-Yovo E. R., Saito K. (2023) Farmers’ perception and management of water scarcity in irrigated rice-based systems in dry climatic zones of West Africa. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43(2), 32.

Johnson J. M., Ibrahim A., Dossou-Yovo E. R., Senthilkumar K., Tsujimoto Y., Asai H., Saito K. (2023) Inorganic fertilizer use and its association with rice yield gaps in sub-Saharan Africa. Global Food Security, 38, 100708.

Langensiepen M., Opiyo E.O., Kaudia A.A., Rugege D., Kyambadde R., Akotsi E., Ashitivi D., Ningu J. K., Munyazikwiye F., Ngaboyamahina T., Urassa J. K., Ugen M., Sebashongore D., Oyieke H., Misana S., Kammesheidt L., Becker M. (2023) Reconciling East-African Wetland Conservation with Human Needs: Managing Uncertainties in Environmental Policy Design. Wetlands 43, 36.


Abdalla A., Stellmacher T., Becker M. (2022) Trends and Prospects of change in wheat self-sufficiency in Egypt. Agriculture 2023, 13(1), 7.

Ayyada S., Karimi P., Langensiepen M., Ribbe L., Rebelo L.M., Becker M. (2022) Remote sensing assessment of available green water to increase cropping options for food production in seasonal floodplain wetlands of sub-Saharan Africa. Agricultural Water Management 269, 107712.

Behn K., Alvarez M., Mutebi S., Becker M. (2022) Vegetation diversity in East African wetlands: Cocktail algorithms supported by a vegetation-plot database. Phytocoenologia 392. 10.1127/phyto/2022/0392

Grotelueschen K., Gaydon D.S., Langensiepen M., Ziegler S., Kwesiga J., Senthilkumar K., Whitbread A.M., Becker M. (2022) Nitrogen fertiliser and hydrology differentially affect rice performance in two contrasting East African wetlands. Field Crops Research 285(1).


Grotelueschen K., Gaydon D.S., Langensiepen M., Ziegler S., Kwesiga J., Senthilkumar K., Whitbread A.M., Becker M. (2021) Assessing the effects of management and hydro-edaphic conditions on rice in contrasting East African wetlands using experimental and modelling approaches. Agricultural Water Management 258, 107146. https://10.1007/s00267-021-01577-5

Agha S.B., Alvarez M., Becker M., Fèvre E.M., Junglen S., Borgemeister C. (2021) Invasive alien plants in Africa and the potential emergence of mosquito-borne arboviral diseases—A review and research outlook. Viruses 13, 32.

Shrestha S., Becker M., Lamers J.P.A., Wimmer M. (2021) Residual effects of B and Zn fertilizers applied to dry season crops on the performance of the follow-up crop of maize in Nepal. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 184(1).

Tabe Ojong Jr. M.P., Alvarez M., Ihli H.J., Becker M., Heckelei T.  (2021) Action on Invasive Species: Control Strategies of Parthenium hysterophorus L. on Smallholder Farms in Kenya. Environmental Management.

Yameogo P.L., Becker M., Zacharie Segda Z. (2021) Seasonal soil nitrogen dynamics affect yields of lowland rice in the savanna zone of West Africa. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 184(1).


Kwesiga J., Grotelüschen C., Neuhoff D., Senthilkumar K., Döring T.F., Becker M. (2020) Effect of organic amendments on the productivity of rainfed lowland rice in the Kilombero floodplain of Tanzania. Agronomy 10.

Kwesiga J., Grotelüschen C., Neuhoff D., Senthilkumar K., Döring T.F., Becker M. (2020) Rice yield gaps in smallholder systems of the Kilombero floodplain in Tanzania. Agronomy 10(9).

Shrestha S., Becker M., Lamers J.P.A., Wimmer M. (2020) Boron and zinc fertilizer applications are essential in emerging vegetable-based crop rotations in Nepal. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science.

Shrestha S., Becker M., Lamers J.P.A., Wimmer M. (2020) Diagnosis of Zinc and Boron availability in emerging vegetable-based crop rotation in Nepal. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci..


Alibu S., Neuhoff D., Senthilkumar K., Becker M., Köpke U. (2019) Potential of cultivating dry season maize along a hydrological gradient of an inland valley in Uganda. Agronomy 9, 606.

Alvarez M., Heller G., Malombe I., Matheka K.W., Choge S., Becker M. (2019) Classification of Prosopis juliflora invasion in the Lake Baringo basin and environmental correlations. Afric. J. Ecol. 57(3), 296-303.

Amouzou K.A., Lamers J.P.A., Naab J.B., Borgemeister C., Vlek P.L.G., Becker M. (2019) Climate change impact on water- and nitrogen-use efficiencies and yields of maize and sorghum in the northern Benin dry savanna, West Africa.  Field Crops Res. 235, 104-117.

Becker M., Angulo C. (2019) The evolution of lowland rice-based production systems in Asia: Historic trends, determinants of change, future perspective. Adv. Agron. 157, 293-327.

Bierschenk B., Tagele M.M.T., Ali B., Ashrafuzzaman Md., Wu L.B., Becker M., Frei M. (2019) Evaluation of rice wild relatives as a source of traits for adaptation to iron toxicity and enhanced grain quality. PLOSone 14(12): e02245683. 

Kwesiga J., Grotelüschen C., Neuhoff D., Senthilkumar K., Döring T.F., Becker M. (2019) Site and management effects on grain yield and yield variability of rainfed lowland rice in the Kilombero floodplain of Tanzania. Agronomy 9, 608.

Syahrinudin D.M., Becker M., Hartati W., Vlek P.L.G. (2019) Biomass and carbon distribution on Imperata cylindrica grasslands. Biodiversitas 21(1), 74-79. 


Amouzou K.A., Naab J.B., Lamers J.P.A., Becker M. (2018). Productivity and nutrient use efficiency of maize, sorghum, and cotton in the West African dry savanna. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 181(2). online. doi: 10.1002/jpln.201700139

Amouzou K.A., Naab J.B., Lamers J.P.A., Becker M., Vlek P.L.G. (2018) CROPGRO-Cotton model for determining climate change impacts on yield, water- and N- use efficiencies of cotton in the Dry Savanna of West Africa. Agricultural Systems 165, 85-96. Doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2018.06.005

Behn K., Becker M., Burghof S., Möseler B.M., Willy D.K., Alvarez M. (2018) Using vegetation attributes to rapidly assess degradation of East African wetlands. Ecological Indicators, 89, 250-259.

Niang A., Becker M., Ewert F., Tanaka A., Dieng I., Saito K. (2018) Yield variation of rainfed rice as affected by field water availability and N fertilizer use in central Benin. Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosyst. (online), doi:10.1007/s10705-017-9898-y


Amouzou K.A., Naab J.B., Lamers J.P.A., Becker M. (2017). CERES-Maize and CERES-Sorghum for modeling growth, N and P uptake and soil moisture dynamics in the dry savanna of West Africa. Field Crops Res. 217, 134-149.

Niang A., Becker M., Ewert F., Dieng I., Gaiser T. et al. (2017) Variability of yields and its determinants in rice production systems of West Africa. Field Crops Res. 207, 1–12.

Tahiru F., Fosu M., Gaiser T., Becker M., Inusah B.I.Y., Mutari A., Buah S.S.J., Atakora W.K., Mohammed A,M. (2017) Fertilizer and genotype effects on maize production on two soils in the Northern region of Ghana. Sustain. Agric. Res. 4(4) 76-87.

Zhang J., Manske G., Zhou P.Q., Tischbein B., Becker M., Li Z.H. (2017) Factors influencing farmers’ decisions on nitrogen fertilizer application in the Liangzihu Lake basin, Central China. Environ, Develop. Sustain.. online doi: 10.1007/s10668-016-9765-z.


Alvarez, M., Leparmarai, P., Becker, M. (2016) Recovery and germination of Prosopis juliflora (S.W.) DC seeds after ingestion by goats and cattle. Arid Land Res. Manage.. on-line

Asante, M., Becker, M., Angulo, C., Fosu, M., Dogbe, W. (2016) Seasonal nitrogen dynamics in lowland rice cropping systems in inland valleys of Northern Ghana. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 180(1) 1-9.

Becker, M, Alvarez, M., Heller, G.,  Leparmarai, P., Maina, D. , Malombe, I., Bollig, M., Vehrs, H. (2016) Land-use changes and the invasion dynamics of shrubs in Baringo. Journal of Eastern African Studies 10(1), 111-129.

Beuel, S., Alvarez, M., Amler, E., , Behn, K.,, Kotze, D., Kreye, C., Leemhuis, C., Wagner, K., Kyalo Willy, D., Ziegler, S., Becker, M. (2016) A rapid assessment of anthropogenic disturbances in East African wetlands. Ecol. Indicators 67, 684–692.

Frei, M., Tetteh, R.N., Razafindrazaka, A.L., Fuh, M.A., Wu, L-B., Becker, M. (2016) Responses of rice to chronic and acute iron toxicity: genotypic differences and biofortification aspects. Plant Soil. 408, 149–161. DOI 10.1007/s11104-016-2918-x. IF: 2.95

Ro, S., Becker, M., Manske, G. (2016) Effect of P management in rice-mungbean rotations on sandy soils of Cambodia. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 179, 481-487.


Becker M. (ed) (2015) Small Wetlands in East Africa: A field guide to the representative flora. Selbstverlag, University of Bonn, Germany. ISBN 978-3-00-047349-4.

Changwony  K.D., Lanyasunya T.P., Südekum K-H., Becker M.  (2015) Feed intake and digestibility by sheep of natural vegetation in the riparian land of lake Naivasha, Kenya. Small Ruminant Research 123, 75-82.

Dold C., Becker M. (2015) Soil attributes and plant production changes in a  tropical littoral Wetland. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 178(4), 609-621. 

Matthus E., Wu L.-B., Ueda Y, Höller S., Becker M., Frei M. (2015) Loci, genes, and mechanisms associated with tolerance to ferrous iron toxicity in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Theor Appl. Genet. 128(10), 2085-2098.

Shrestha R.K, Becker M. (2015) Iron exclusion in rice genotypes as affected by different vapour pressure deficit conditions. Az. J. Agric. 2(4), 115-117.

Shrestha R.K., Engel K., Becker M. (2015) Effect of transpiration on iron uptake and translocation in lowland rice. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 178(3) 1-5.


Alvarez M., Becker M., Greiner C., Heller G., Vehrs H., Kang'ethe S.N., Malombe I. (2014) Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacq. (Sapindaceae) as an encroacher species of Kenyan savannahs. South African J. Bot. 96, 1-12.

Changwony  K.D., Alvarez M., Lanyasunya T.P., Dold C., Becker M.,  Südekum K.-H. (2014)  Biomass and quality changes of forages along land use and soil type gradients in the riparian zone of Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Ecol. Indicators 49, 169–177.

Kamiri H.W., Kreye C., Becker M. (2014)  Assessing selected soil properties responses to wetland cultivation in floodplain wetlands of East Africa. International Journal of AgriScience 3(11), 825-837.

Kuria D. N., Menz G., Misana S., Mwita E., Thamm H.-P., Alvarez M., Mogha N., Becker M., Oyieke H. (2014) Seasonal Vegetation Changes in the Malinda Wetland Using Bi-Temporal, Multi-Sensor, Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Data Sets. Adv. Remote Sens., 3(1), 33-48.

Pame A.R., Kreye, C., Johnson, D. Heuer, S. Becker, M. (2014) Effects of genotype, seed P concentration and seed priming on seedling vigor of rice. Exptl. Agric. 51(1) 1-12.

Theobald T.F.H., Mussgnug F., Becker M. (2014) Live fences – a hidden resource of soil fertility in West Kenya. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 177, 758-765.

Wilbers G-J., Becker M., La Thi Nga, Sebesvari Z., Renaud F.G. (2014) Spatial and temporal variability of surface water pollution in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Science of the Total Environment 485–486 (2014), 653–665.

Wu L-B., - Shhadi, M.Y. Gregorio, G., Matthus E., Becker M., Frei M. (2014) Genetic and physiological analysis of tolerance to acute iron toxicity in rice. Rice 7, 8.


Böhme B., Becker M., Diekkrüger B. (2013) Calibrating a FDR sensor for soil moisture monitoring in a wetland in Central Kenya. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 66, 101-111.

Diwani T.N., Asch F., Becker M., Mussgnug F. (2013) Characterizing farming systems around Kakamega Forest, Western Kenya. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 176, 585–594.

Greiner C., Alvarez M., Becker M. (2013) From Cattle to Corn: Attributes of Emerging Farming Systems of Former Pastoral Nomads in East Pokot, Kenya. Soc.  Nat. Res. 26, 1478-1490. 

Kamiri H.W., Kreye C., Becker M. (2013) Dynamics of agricultural use differentially affect soil properties and crop response in East African wetlands. Wetlands Ecol. Manage.  21(6), 417-431.

Mtei K.M., Ngome A.F., Wambua S., Becker M. (2013): Assessment of Technology Options Addressing Agricultural Production Constraints in Western Kenya. Greener J. of Agric. Sci. 3(3), 222-234.

Ngome A.F.  Becker M., Mtei M.K., Mussgnug F. (2013): Maize productivity and nutrient use efficiency in Western Kenya as affected by soil type and crop management. International J. Plant Prod. 7 (3), 517-536.

Sakané N., Becker M., Langensiepen M., van Wijk M.T. (2013) Typology of Smallholder Production Systems in Small East-African Wetlands. Wetlands 33(1), 101-116.


Angulo C.L., Becker M., Wassmann R. (2012) Yield gap analysis and assessment of climate-induced yield trends of irrigated rice in selected provinces of the Philippines. J. Agric.Rural Develop. Trop. Subtrop. 113 (1), 28-37.

Aryal D.R., Geissen V., Ponce-Mendoza A., Ramos-Reyes R.R., Becker M. (2012) Water quality under intensive banana production and extensive pastureland in tropical Mexico. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 175(3), 553-559.

Engel K., Asch F., Becker M. (2012) Classification of rice genotypes based on mechanisms of adaptation to conditions of iron toxicity. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci.. 175(6), 871-881.

Engel K., Asch F., Becker M. (2012) In vivo staining of reduced iron by 2,2’ bipyridine in rice exposed to iron toxicity. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 175(4), 548-552.

Handa C., Alvarez M., Becker M., Oyieke H., Möseler B.M., Mogha N., Kamiri H. (2012)  Opportunistic vascular plant introductions in agricultural wetlands of East Africa.  Int. J. AgriSci. 2(9), 810-830.

Mwita E., Menz G., Misana S., Becker M., Kisanga D., Böhme B. (2012)  Mapping small wetlands of Kenya and Tanzania using remote sensing techniques. Int. J. Appl. Earth Observ. Geoinf.

Ngome A.F., Mtei K.M., Mussgnug F., Becker M. (2012) Management options and soil type differentially affect weeds in maize fields of Kakamega, western Kenya. J. Agric. Sci. Technol. A2, 104-114.

Ngome A.F., Becker M., Mtei K.M. (2012) Leguminous cover crops differentially affect maize yields in three contrasting soil types of Kakamega, Western Kenya. J. Agr. Rural Develop. Trop. Subtrop. 112(1), 1-10.

Ngome A.F., Becker M., Mtei K.M., Mussgnug F. (2012) Soil fertility management for maize cultivation in some soils of Western Kenya. Soil Till. Res. 117, 69,75.

Before 2012

Ajouri A., Asgedom H., Becker M. (2004) Seed priming enhances germination and seedling growth of barley under P and Zn deficiency. J. Plant Nutri. Soil Sci. 167:630-636.

Akanvou R., Becker M. Bastiaans L., Kropff M. (2001) Effects of sowing dates on cover legumes-upland rice intercropping systems in West Africa. Biol. Fertil. Soils 33: 15-21.

Alvarez M., Becker M., Bohme B., Handa C., Kamiri H.W., Langensiepen M., Menz G., Misana S., Mogha N., Moseler B.M, Mwita E., Oyieke H., Sakane N. (2010) Floristic classification of the vegetation in small wetlands of Kenya and Tanzania. Biodivers. Ecol. 4 (on-line).

Asch F., Kpongor D., Becker M. (2005) A quick and efficient screen for resistance to iron toxicity in lowland rice. J. Soil Sci Plant Nutr.168: 764-773.

Becker M., Asch F. (2005) Iron toxicity in rice -  Conditions and management concepts. J. Plant Nutri. Soil Sci. 168, 558-573.

Becker M., Johnson D.E., Wopereis M.S.C., Sow, A. (2003) Rice yield gaps in irrigated systems along an agro-ecological gradient in West Africa. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 166, 61-67.

Becker M., Asch F., Chiem N.H., Ni D.V., Saleh E., Tanh, K.V., Tinh T.K. (2008) Decomposition of organic substrates und their effect on mungbean growth in two soils of the Mekong delta. J. Agric. Develop. 109, 95-104.

Becker M., Maskey S.L., Pande K.R.,  Shah S.C., Shrestha S.C. (2007) Effects of transition season management on soil N dynamics and system N balances in rice-wheat rotations of Nepal. Field Crops Res. 103(2), 98-108.

Bognonkpe J.P., Becker, M. (2009) Land use and, dynamics of water and native soil N in inland valleys of Côte d’Ivoire. Europ. J. Sci. Res. 36(3), 342-356.

Bognonkpe J.P., Becker, M. (2009) Native soil N mineralization in major rice based cropping systems. Journal of Animal Plant Sci. 4, (3), 384 - 398.

Mussgnug F., Becker M., Son T.T, Buresh R.J., Vlek P.L.G. (2006) Yield gaps and nutrient balances in intensive, rice-based cropping systems on degraded soils in the Red River Delta of Vietnam. Field Crops Res. 98, 127-140.

Pande K.R., Becker M. (2003) Seasonal soil nitrogen dynamics in rice-wheat cropping systems of Nepal. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 66: 499-506.

Sakane N., Alvarez M., Becker M., Böhme B., Handa C., Kamiri H., Langensiepen M., Menz G., Misana S., Mogha N., Möseler B., Mwita E., Oyieke A.H., van Wijk M. (2011) Classification, characterisation, and use of small wetlands in East Africa. Wetlands 31(6), 1103-1116.

Shrestha S., Asch F., Dingkuhn M., Becker M. (2011) Cropping calendar options for rice–wheat production systems at high-altitudes. Field Crops Research 121(1), 158-167.

Somado E.A., Becker M. Kuehne R.F., Sawrawat K.L., Vlek P.L.G. (2003) Combined effects of legumes with rock phosphorus on rice in West  Africa. Agron. J. 95: 1172-1178.

Touré A., Becker M., Johnson D.E., Koné B., Kossou D.K., Kiepe P. (2009) Response of lowland rice to agronomic management under different hydrological regimes in an inland valley of the Guinea Savanna zone of West Africa. Field Crops Res. 114(2), 304-310.

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