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Zhao J, Chen Y, Tao Q, Schreiber L, Suresh K, Frei M, Shahedul Alam M, Li B, Zhou Y, Baer M, Hochholdinger F, Wang C, Yu P (2024) Enhanced CO2 coordinates the spatial recruitment of diazotrophs in rice via root development. Plant Cell Environ, in press.

Hosseini B, Cheraghi M, Hiesch S, Yu P, Zarebanadkouki M (2024) Contrasting rhizosheath formation capacities in two maize inbred lines: implications for water and nutrient uptake. Plant Soil 1-17.

Zhou Y, Sommer ML, Meyer A, Wang D, Klaus A, Stöcker T, Marcon C, Schoof H, Haberer G, Schön C-C, Yu P, Hochholdinger (2024) Cold mediates maize root hair developmental plasticity via epidermis-specific transcriptomic responses. Plant Physiol 27: kiae449. PubMed15

Hochholdinger F, Yu P (2024) Molecular concepts to explain heterosis. Trends Plant Sci 26: 1360-1385(24)00215-2. PubMed16   Free Article17

Yu B, Zhou C, Wang Z, Bucher M, Schaaf G, Sawers R.J.H., Chen X, Hochholdinger F, Yu P (2024) Maize zinc uptake is influenced by arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis under various soil phosphorus availabilities. New Phytol 243: 1936-1950. PubMed18

Wang D, He X, Baer M, Lami K, Yu B, Tassinari A, Salvi S, Schaaf S, Hochholdinger F, Yu P (2024) Enrichment of Massilia in lateral roots is associated with flowering in maize. Microbiome 12: 124. PubMed19  Free Article20

Wang Y, Yu P, Liu Y-X (2024) Metagenomic Analysis for Unveiling Agricultural Microbiome. Agronomy 14(5): 981.

Yu P, Li C, Li M, He X, Wang D, Li H, Marcon C, Li Y, Perez-Limón S, Chen X, Delgado-Baquerizo M, Koller R, Metzner R, van Dusschoten D, Pflugfelder D, Borisjuk L, Plutenko I, Mahon A, Resende Jr MFR, Salvio S, Akale A, Abdalla M, Ali Ahmed M, Bauer FM, Schnepf A, Lobet G, Heymans A, Suresh K, Schreiber L, McLaughlin CM, Li C, Mayer M, Schön C-C, Bernau V, von Wirén N, Sawers RJH, Wang T, Hochholdinger F (2024) Seedling root system adaptation to water availability during maize domestication and global expansion. Nature Genet 56: 1245-1256. PubMed22  Free access to view-only version of the paper23

He X, Wang D, Jiang Y, Li M, Delgado-Baquerizo M, McLaughlin C, Marcon C, Guo L, Baer M, Moya YAT, von Wirén N, Deichmann M, Schaaf G, Piepho H-P, Yang Z, Yang J, Yim B, Smalla K, Goormachtig S, de Vries FT, Hüging H, Baer M, Sawers RJH*, Reif JC*, Hochholdinger F*, Chen X*, Yu P* (2024) Heritable microbiome variation is correlated with source environment in locally adapted maize varieties. Nature Plants 10: 598–617. PubMed24

Hochholdinger F, Yu P, Feix G (2023) Genetic Analysis of Maize Root Development. In: Plant Roots – The Hidden Half. 5th edition, chapter 11, pp. 185-199.


Xu F, Liao H, Yang J,  Zhang Y, Yu P, Cao Y, Fang J, Chen S, Li L, Sun L, Du C, Wang K, ang X, Feng Z, Cao Y, Li Y, Zhang J, Xu W (2023) Auxin-producing bacteria promote barley rhizosheath formation. Nat Commun 14, 5800. PubMed25  Free PMC article26

Wang K, Zhang Z, Sha XQ, Yu P, Li Y, Zhang D, Liu X, He G, Li Y (2023) Identification of a new QTL underlying seminal root number in a maize-teosinte population. Front Plant Sci 14:1132017. PubMed27  Free PMC article28

Yu P, Hochholdinger F (2023) Genetic and environmental regulation of root growth and development. Chapter 13 in: Marschner´s Mineral Nutrition of Plants. 4th edition 23: 523-543.

Hochholdinger F, Yu P, Feix G (2023) Genetic Analysis of Maize Root Development. In: Plant Roots – The Hidden Half. 5th edition, in press.


Mahmud S, Ullah C, Kortz A, Bhattacharyya S, Yu P, Gershenzon J, Vothknecht UC (2022) Constitutive expression of JASMONATE RESISTANT 1 induces molecular changes that prime the plants to better withstand drought. Plant Cell Environ 45(8). PubMed29  Free Article30

Baldauf JA, Liu M, Vedder L, Yu P, Piepho H-P, Schoof H, Nettleton D, Hochholdinger F (2022) Single parent expression complementation contributes to phenotypic heterosis in maize hybrids. Plant Physiol 189: 1625-1638. PubMed31  Free PMC article32


Yu P, He X, Baer M, Beirinckx S, Tian T, Moya YAT, Zhang Y, Deichmann M, Frey FP, Bresgen V, Li C, Razavi BS, Schaaf G, von Wirén N, Su Z, Bucher M, Tsuda K, Goormachtig S, Chen X, Hochholdinger F (2021) Plant flavones enrich rhizosphere Oxalobacteraceae to improve maize performance under nitrogen deprivation. Nat Plants 7: 481–499.

Lang M, Zou W, Chen X, Zou C, Zhang W, Deng Y, Zhu F, Yu P, Chen X (2021) Microbial Composition and phoD Gene Abundance Are Sensitive to Phosphorus Level in a Long-Term Wheat-Maize Crop System. Front Microbiol 14;11: 605955. PubMed31 Free PMC Article32

Bonkowski M, Tarkka MT, Razavi BS, Schmidt H, Blagodatskaya E, Koller R, Yu P, Knief C, Hochholdinger F, Vetterlein D (2021) Spatiotemporal dynamics of maize (Zea mays L.) root growth and its potential consequences for the assembly of the rhizosphere microbiota. Front Microbiol 17: 619499. PubMed33  Free PMC Article34

Rüger L, Feng K, Dumack K, Chen Y, Sun R, Wilson M, Yu P, Sun B, Deng Y, Hochholdinger F, Vetterlein D, Bonkowski M (2021) Assembly patterns of the rhizosphere microbiome along the longitudinal root axis of maize (Zea mays L.). Front Microbiol 12: 614501. Free Article35


Yu P, Hochholdinger F, Li C (2019) Plasticity of lateral root branching in maize. Front Plant Sci 10: 363. PubMed36  Free PMC Article37

Kortz A, Hochholdinger F, Yu P (2019) Cell type-specific transcriptomics of lateral root formation and plasticity. Front Plant Sci 10: 21. Free Article38

Kreszies T, Shellakkutti N, Osthoff A, Yu P, Baldauf J, Zeisler-Diehl V, Ranathunge K, Hochholdinger F, Schreiber L (2019) Osmotic stress enhances suberization of apoplastic barriers in barley seminal roots: analysis of chemical, transcriptomic and physiological responses. New Phytol 221: 180-194. PubMed39


Yu P, Hochholdinger F (2018) Unravelling the role of host genetic signatures on root-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere and endosphere. Front Plant Sci 9:1896.

Ashrafuzzaman M, Haque Z, Ali B, Mathew B, Yu P, Hochholdinger F, de Abreu Neto JB, McGillen MR, Ensikat H-J, Manning WJ, Frei M (2018) Ethylenediurea (EDU) mitigates the negative effects of ozone in rice: insights into its mode of action. Plant Cell Env 41: 2882-2898.

Hochholdinger F, Marcon C, Baldauf J, Frey F, Yu P (2018) Proteomics of Maize Root Development. Front Plant Sci 9: 143. PubMed40

Yu P, Wang C, Baldauf J, Tai H, Gutjahr C, Hochholdinger F, Li C (2018) Root type and soil phosphate determine the taxonomic landscape of colonizing fungi and the transcriptome of field-grown maize roots. New Phytol 217: 1240-1253. PubMed41

Hochholdinger F, Yu P, Marcon C (2018) Genetic control of root system development in maize. Trends in Plant Sci 23: 79-88. PubMed42

Yu P, Marcon C, Baldauf JA, Frey F, Baer M, Hochholdinger F (2018) Transcriptomic dissection of maize root system development. Compendium of plant genomes: The Zea mays Genome. 1st ed. (eds. J. Bennetzen, S. Flint-Garcia, C. Hirsch and R. Tuberosa) pp. 247-257. Springer Nature.


Yu P, Gutjahr C, Li C, Hochholdinger F (2016) Genetic control of lateral root formation in cereals. Trends Plant Sci 21: 951-961. PubMed43

Yu P, Baldauf JA, Lithio A, Marcon C, Nettleton D, Li C, Hochholdinger F (2016) Root type specific reprogramming of maize pericycle transcriptomes by local high nitrate results in disparate lateral root branching patterns. Plant Physiol 170: 1783-1798. PubMed44  Free PMC Article45


Yu P, White PJ, Li C (2015) New insights to lateral rooting: differential responses to heterogeneous nitrogen availability among maize root types. Plant Signal Behav 10: e1013795

Yu P, Eggert K, von Wirén N, Li C, Hochholdinger F (2015) Cell-type specific gene expression analyses by RNA-Seq reveal local high nitrate triggered lateral root initiation in shoot-borne roots of maize by modulating auxin-related cell cycle-regulation. Plant Physiol 169: 690-704. PubMed46  Free PMC Article47

Yu P, Hochholdinger F, Li C (2015) Root-type-specific plasticity in response to localized high nitrate supply in maize (Zea mays). Ann Bot 116: 751-762. PubMed48  Free PMC Article49

Yu P, Li X, White PJ, Li C (2015) A large and deep root system underlies high nitrogen-use efficiency in maize production. PLoS ONE. Link


Yu P, White PJ, Hochholdinger F, Li C (2014) Phenotypic plasticity of the maize root system in response to heterogeneous nitrogen availability. Planta 240: 667-678. PubMed50

Yu P, Li X, Yuan L, Li C (2014) A novel morphological response of maize (Zea mays) adult roots to heterogeneous nitrate supply revealed by a split-root experiment. Physiol Plant 150: 133-144.


Peng Y, Yu P, Li X, Li C (2013) Determination of the critical soil mineral nitrogen concentration for maximizing maize grain yield. Plant Soil 372:41-51.

Ning P, Li S, Yu P, Zhang Y, Li C (2013) Post-silking accumulation and partitioning of dry matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in maize varieties differing in leaf longevity. Field Crops Res 144: 19-27.


Peng Y, Yu P, Zhang Y, Sun G, Ning P, Li X, Li C (2012) Temporal and spatial dynamics in root length density of field-grown maize and NPK in the soil profile. Field Crops Res 115: 85-93.

Zhang Y, Yu P, Peng Y, Li X, Chen F, Li C (2012) Fine root patterning and balanced inorganic phosphorus distribution in the soil indicate distinctive adaptation of maize plants to phosphorus deficiency. Pedosphere 22: 870-877.

Ning P, Liao C, Li S, Yu P, Zhang Y, Li X, Li C (2012) Maize cob plus husks mimics the grain sink to stimulate nutrient uptake by roots. Field Crops Res 130: 38-45.


Yan H, Shang A, Peng Y, Yu P, Li C (2011) Covering middle leaves and ears reveals differential regulatory roles of vegetative and reproductive organs in root growth and nitrogen uptake in maize. Crop Sci 51: 265-272.

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