Lecture series on current topics of resource management with Aimee von Wynsberghe on "Ethical considerations of modern technilogies" via Zoom.
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Lecture series on current topics of resource management with Aimee von Wynsberghe on "Ethical considerations of modern technilogies" via Zoom.
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The complete set of genes for the ability to take up DNA from the environment via natural transformation termed natural competence, is present in the major ...
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The complete set of genes for the ability to take up DNA from the environment via natural transformation termed natural competence, is present in the major ...
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Beim Agrarkarrieretag an der Universität Bonn präsentieren sich führende Unternehmen aus der Agrarwirtschaft. Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Agrarstudenten ...
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PhenoRob Seminar Series with Anja Klotzsche on “Ground penetrating radar for mapping and monitoring soil variables in various agricultural scenarios”.
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